2018-08-08 - Deer, Dear


~6.1 mi @ ~12.9 min/mi

"I meant to say Deer," clarifies Roadkill respectfully, "not Dear!" K-Rex laughs. Her sharp eyes spy six deer on a warm and humid McLean morning, including three fawns resting on a freshly mown lawn watched over by their mother. Rabbit count today is 2, or perhaps 1 seen twice. We explore new dead-end streets and refrain from trespassing.

"No bib, no medal, just a long, long run!" Yesterday's article about ultramarathoner Adrian Spencer, by Andrew Gates in RunWashington, appeals to Dawn Patrol sensibilities. Construction closes the trail along Old Dominion Drive and the pedestrian bridge over Pimmit Run where Roadkill tripped and fell 3.5 years ago when temps were 60 degrees cooler than today. (See 2015-02-06 - Thirteen Degrees) A young couple carrying yoga mats greets us as we trot east from the McLean High School track, and again as we return an hour later.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-08-29